Let me see him smiling in his sleep and let
me think about how handsome he is and not
about how delayed that smile was in coming.

Help me not lose sight of my son in
the shadow of his limitations. I
know that you care for my child and
that you work hard with him. I need
your expertise to help him become all that he is capable
of being. You need my help in understanding who he
really is and in following through at home with things
that are important. Remember, though, that you send
him home at night and have weekends off and paid
vacations.Let me have the luxury of having a vacation,
sometimes physically, sometimes just emotionally, for
a day, a week, a month, without your judging me. I will
be there for him when you are long gone.I love my child
with an intensity that you can only imagine. If on a
given day I am tired or cross with him, listen to me,
lighten my burden, but do not judge me. Celebrate with
me, rejoice in who he is and who he will become, but
forgive me if from time to time I shed a tear for who
he might have been.
-Author Unknown